VR Game Workshop
Join Carrot Houses for this talk hosted by Yolo County Library.

Carrot Houses and our games


Overall design process of a game prototype, from ideation, storyboards, paper prototypes to digital prototypes

Software Development dilemmas, pros and cons of Unreal vs. Unity vs. Gamemaker...

Game Developer Ecosystem including TurboSquid, Unreal Marketplace, Blender, On Discord: Sacramento Developer Collective, SF Game Development, GDC-Game Developer Conference, Creative Capital Showcase(local expos), Games for Change, Indiecade) Game Jams, VR Publishing Platforms such as Metaquest, SteamVR, Sidequest

Unique challenges of designing for VR games: Testing each iteration takes longer with VR, OpenXR unstable, headset devices not standardized, variety of safety concerns, needing space to move around in RL, performance issues, frequent crashes, cables or potentially laggy Wifi, publishing with Android Studio for Quest tricky process

Show VR Template in Unreal

A visual coding tool in Unreal Engine:
a. Show small blueprint to play sound on Grabbed event

b. Make blueprint to move moon with branch and speed variable

Invite audience members to play game live

Invite audience members to share ideas, questions

Form group(s) and do an exercise of a prototype for a VR template game